In 1999, Community Cats organized, and in 2003 

became a 501(c)(3) non-profit which advocates for

animal welfare and partners with organizations to

 provide access to quality spay/neuter services in our local area.


Along with Washoe County, Community Cats endorses the 

Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) Program 

 and is dedicated to partnering throughout Northern Nevada to 

promote the benefits of TNR – the cost-effective, efficient and 

humane way to manage free-roaming cat populations.

Non-profit EIN #31-1823161


Mailing address

Community Cats c/o 224 Thoma St,  Reno NV 89502

Who we are.

     By 1999, the leaders of the local SPCA knew an organized TNR program was needed in Washoe County and began planning. A small grant was awarded and the program was started in 2000.      Community Cats formed its own non profit in 2003, mostly offering, or supporting weekly clinics. 
   Fast forward to early 2022 and Dr. Diana Lucree and Denise Stevens have the confidence  to hand off the group so it can continue to serve Northern Nevada.
Welcome to Community Cats 2.0
     While we continue to be amazed and inspired by those who have carried the torch of TNR, were not surprised. We aren't ready to let Community Cats fade into the sunset and do believe this little 501(c)(3) can be a vehicle which at the very least can jump start TNR efforts plus partner with/support/assist the various local groups and municipalities.

     Community Cats is dedicated to supporting Spay/Neuter of cats, focusing on free-roaming unsocialized cats.
    Community Cats offers resources, support and information to assist those who care for under-socialized and 
free-roaming cats in Northern Nevada.
    Community Cats has no staff. Donations are used to fund Spay/Neuter services.

Community Cats is a 501(c)(3) 

non-profit formed in 2003. 

Please DONATE 

Your gift is tax deductible. 

Non Profit EIN 31-1823161

   This is Marley . . . Marley was living with his sister Beanie Baby at a Reno trailer park, born to an unsocialized cat. They were both fostered and adopted after being spayed/neutered. Mom cat was TNR'd and returned to the trailer park. I see her every week when I cruise the park to feed and monitor any new arrivals who need to be fixed.

Our Mission

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the reduction of free-roaming cat overpopulation through sterilization, the improvement of feral cats' quality of life and the betterment of human-cat relations. Raising community awareness of the responsible care and treatment of their pets.

We envision a time in Washoe County when all cats are cared for, all kittens and domesticated cats are in loving homes and there is a healthy, but declining, sterilized feral cat population. The feral cat colonies that do remain are monitored, fed and treated medically, when needed, by their caregivers.

To this end, we will educate the community about humane colony management and we will provide a TNR program for feral cat colony caretakers.

George was found living with a cat colony in a few bales of hay in Battle Mountain, Nevada. After going through the TNR program and nursed back to health by a Community Cats volunteer, he was adopted by Dan & James and is now living the lush life in California.

   Lambert was found living behind a duplex in this collection of junk with five siblings.  
He was young enough to be socialized and was adopted.
Mom cat was not social so she was spayed, vaccinated, eartipped and returned to colony and caretaker Sally.

A Community Cats Volunteer used to watch her in the parking lot of the apartments across the street from her, begging food from people. She was rescued, and placed for adoption.  Possibly abused prior to Community Cats finding her, it took three homes to find the right one.   
She'd probably been in her home almost 6 years and the volunteer would get a message "Kasi got on the bed with me tonight and let me pet her!"  I'd say "She's coming right along."


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