Cats are wonderful loving animals. You see them everywhere. You see them in windows, laying in the sun on a sidewalk, playing with a buddy on a lawn, or being cuddled by someone they love. 
They are just about everywhere you look.
Here are some Community Cats from around the Reno-Washoe area.
This is TT. She was a member of a cat community in Reno being fed and monitored by a volunteer. She was always more curious than the others in the colony but one day she jumped into the car and basically said "I'm ready to go!". She is now at her new home and loves to play and watch birds out the window.
Here are four (One behind the railing) ear tipped cats lounging on a porch on Wilson Street in Reno.
Maurice wandered into a Reno yard and made himself at home.  He liked being an outside cat and was TNR'd so he could continue to patrol the property.
Paul was caught at a yard in Sparks. He checked into the TNR clinic before it was discovered he was a friendly fellow.   Multiple postings in the area and at Washoe County brought forth no owners, so he found a great home where he could be his quirky self.
Buttercup likes to look inside a house though not live inside one.
The JOY of Fostering a cat!
Sweet Annabelle
Ilene and Irene
The is Lane. He is an active volunteer at Community Cats of Reno. We are very fortunate to have him working with us.

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